Feline Finder Video Conferencing
Potential cat adopters will be able to set up a session them to see your cats at no cost to your organization.
Adopter sees a cat he wants
When the potential adopter sees a cat which he wants he will tap the video conferencing button to set up a conference with your organization

Wizard Intro Screen
The adopter will first see a screen which will explain what he has to do to setup a video conference.
Choose available cats
He will choose which cats he wants to adopt. This list will include the one on the detail screen, ones he has favorited at your organization, and other ones available for adoption at your organization

Meeting Date & Time
If your organization sets up dates and time which you are available then the adopt will be able to choose from those days to schedule a video conference
The summary of the adopters choices will be presented to him and he will be able to enter a message to you and an email will be sent to your organization scheduling a video conference.

An Email Will Be Sent
When the user presses the send button an email will be sent to your organization at the email entered in Rescue Groups as the way for the adopter to contact you. The email will contain the above information and the way to contact the adopter. If your organization agrees with the meeting then all they have to do is click a link and a confirmation email will be sent to the adopter and the meeting scheduled or otherwise contact potential adopter.
Upcoming Meetings
The upcoming video conferences will be shown on this screen at first as tenative then once the meeting is scheduled as scheduled. If for some reason either the adopter can't make the appointment or the organization needs to reschedule then it can be changed here and an email will be sent.
Both adopter and organization will be prompted at time of meeting and when the organizer starts the meeting the adopter a push notification will be sent to the adopter and that will start the meeting.